Campus Preview and Tour - Main CampusTuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM until 6:30 PMEastern Standard Time UTC -05:00Map and DirectionsStark State College6200 Frank Ave NWNorth Canton, OH 44720United States Stark State College is a great place to start your journey. Whether you’re fresh out of high school or you’ve been working in a different job for a while and need a change, we’re ready to talk with you about your goals and how to help you succeed. At SSC, you’ll find more than 200 associate degrees and certificates that get you to your dream job fast and with little to no college debt. With the lowest tuition in the area, no application fee and flexible, hands-on learning, you won’t waste time or money on your education. Our flexible class options and state-of-the-art labs provide a high-quality learning environment for you to thrive. We encourage you to check it out for yourself by visiting campus or attending an admissions event at one of our campuses in Stark or Summit County. The best way to get to know Stark State is to visit us.Sign up for a campus preview and tour.Loading...Background InformationFirst NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Contact InformationEmail AddressMobile PhonePreferred Method of Contact (Check all that apply)Preferred Method of Contact (Check all that apply)EmailTextPhoneDoes Stark State College have permission to text you about events, news, and/or application updates?Does Stark State College have permission to text you about events, news, and/or application updates?YesNoAddressAddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeAcademic InformationHigh School - Search by school name or school city and state abbreviationCurrent School CEEBHigh School Graduation or GED Completion Month and Year (if you have not yet graduated, select your anticipated completion month/year)High School Graduation or GED Completion Month and Year (if you have not yet graduated, select your anticipated completion month/year)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960Enrollment InformationEntry TermSpring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Prospective CampusMain Campus (North Canton)Stark State College AkronOnline OnlyStudent TypeNew First TimeInternationalTransfer From Another CollegeReturning/ReadmitCollege Credit PlusGuest/TransientView Student Type Explanations Student Type Explanation New First Time (after you have graduated from high school or earned a GED) International (non-US citizen requiring a student visa to enroll at Stark State) Transfer (you attended another college, after graduating from high school) Returning/Readmit (you have not been enrolled at SSC for over two years) College Credit Plus (you will still be in high school while enrolled at Stark State) Guest/Transient (you are a guest student if you want to take classes as a non-degree seeking student for personal or professional growth. You are a transient student if you are attending another college or university and would like to take classes to transfer back to your home institution) CloseDo you know which Stark State degree or certificate program you will pursue?Do you know which Stark State degree or certificate program you will pursue?YesNoDegree & Certificate InformationProspective DegreeAssociates DegreeCertificate ProgramCollege Credit PlusNon-DegreeProspective MajorAccounting and FinanceAdministrative, Legal, and Judicial ServicesAmerican Sign LanguageAutomotive and TransportationBusiness Management and MarketingCommunicationCulinaryDental Health ProfessionsDietary & DieteticDigital MediaEducationEmergency ServicesEngineeringEnglishGeneralHuman ServicesIndustrial TechnologiesInformation TechnologiesJustice StudiesMassage TherapyMathematicsMedical TechnologiesNursingOccupational Therapy AssistantPhysical TherapyRespiratory, Laboratory & Surgical TechnologySciencesSocial SciencesProspective Program1-Year Automotive Technology (One-Year)3D Motion Graphics TechnologyAccounting - Corporate MajorAccounting - CPA MajorAccounting - Data Analytics MajorAccounting - Forensic Accounting MajorAccounting - Tax MajorAccounting Data Analytics (One-Year)Accounting Services for Health Administration MajorAdministrative Office ProfessionalAdministrative Office Professional (One-Year)Administrative Office Professional - Management MajorAdministrative Office Professional - Virtual Office Professional MajorAmerican Sign Language (One-Year)American Sign Language (Short-Term)Artificial Intelligence (Short-Term)Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals (Short-Term)Associate of Arts - GeneralAssociate of Arts General - Political ScienceAssociate of Science - GeneralAutomation and Robotics TechnologyAutomation and Robotics Technology Certificate (One-Year)Automotive Aftermarket Vehicle Modifications (Short-Term)Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (Short-Term)Automotive TechnologyAutomotive Transmission and Driveline (Short-Term)BiologyBookkeeping (One-Year)Business ManagementBusiness Management - Entrepreneurship MajorBusiness Management - Finance MajorBusiness Management - Health Services MajorBusiness Management - Human Resources MajorBusiness Management - Kent State University BBA DegreeCAT Lift Truck (Short-Term)CDL Commercial Driver's License (Short-Term)Chemical Dependency (Short-Term)ChemistryCisco Technology (Short-Term)Civil Engineering TechnologyCivil Engineering Technology - Architectural Drafting (Short-Term)Civil Engineering Technology - Architectural MajorCivil Engineering Technology - Civil/Surveying (Short-Term)Civil Engineering Technology - Civil/Surveying Drafting (Short-Term)Civil Engineering Technology - Construction Management MajorCivil Engineering Technology - Construction Materials Inspection (Short-Term)Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation Construction Inspection Level I (Short-Term)Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation Construction Inspection Level II (Short-Term)CNC Technical (One-Year)Comercial Driver's License Core (Short-Term)Commercial Music Technology - Music Production (Short-Term)CommunicationComprehensive Automotive Technology Certificate (One-Year)Computer EngineeringComputer Graphic ArtsComputer Graphic Arts Technology - Digital Photography MajorComputer Maintenance & Desktop Support Technician (One-Year)Computer Network Administration & Security TechnologyComputer Programming and DatabaseComputer Programming and Database - Microsoft SQL Server (Short-Term)Computer Science & Engineering - Video Game Design and Development MajorComputer Science (Short-Term)Computer Science and EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering - C++ Programming (Short-Term)Computer Science and Engineering - Java Programming (Short-Term)Computer TechnologyComputer Technology- Help Desk/Computer Support SpecialistCriminal JusticeCulinary Arts (Business Management)Cyber Security and Computer Forensics TechnologyData Analytics (One-Year)Database Systems (One-Year)Dental Assisting (Short-Term)Dental Assisting Pathway (Pre)Dental Hygiene Pathway (Pre)Desktop Publishing (Short-Term)Dietary Manager (Short-Term)Dietary Manager Certificate Pathway (Pre) (One-Year)Dietetic Technician Pathway (Pre)Digital Photography (Short-Term)Digital Video Media TechnologyEarly Childhood EducationEducationElectrical Maintenance TechnologyElectrical/Electronic Engineering TechnologyElectrical/Electronic Engineering Technology - Applications of Semiconductors MajorElectrical/Electronic Engineering Technology - Electro-Mechanical MajorEmergency Fire ServicesEmergency Medical ServicesEnglishEnrolled Agent (One-Year)Entrepreneurship (One-Year)Entrepreneurship (Short-Term)Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliary (Short-Term)Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliary Pathway (Pre)FinanceFinancial Services (One-Year)Formatting and Office Skills (Short-Term)General Motors ASEP MajorGeometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (Short-Term)Gerontology (Short-Term)Grant Writing (Short-Term)Graphic Design (Short-Term)Health Information Management Pathway (Pre)Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration TechnologyHeating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology - HVACR Technician (Level I) (Short-Term)Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology - HVACR Technician (Level II) (Short-Term)Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology Certificate (One-Year)Honda Pact (Short-Term)Human and Social ServicesHuman and Social Services - Chemical Dependency MajorHuman and Social Services - Community CorrectionsHuman and Social Services - Gerontology MajorHVACR Commercial Technician (Short-Term)Industrial Controls (Short-Term)Industrial Electricity and Electronics (Short-Term)Industrial Maintenance (Short-Term)Industrial TechnologyIndustrial Technology - 3G and 4G Welding Certification Exam Preparation (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - 6G Welding Certification Exam Preparation (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - Advanced Manufacturing Technology MajorIndustrial Technology - Automation and Robotics Specialist (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - Basic Industrial Maintenance (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - Basic Robotics (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - Industrial Maintenance MajorIndustrial Technology - Precision Machining and CNC Programming (Short-Term)Industrial Technology - Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (Short-Term)Industrical Technology - Welding Technology AWS Certification Exam Preparation (Short-Term)Judicial Court Reporting MajorLegal AssistingLegal Assisting (One-Year)Management Information Systems - Help Desk and Computer User Support (Short-Term)Marketing and Sales ManagementMassage Therapy (AAS Degree) Pathway (Pre)MathematicsMathematics - Pre-Actuarial Mathematics MajorMechanical Engineering TechnologyMechanical Engineering Technology - Design MajorMechanical Engineering Technology - Design Major - Advanced CAD (Short-Term)Mechanical Engineering Technology - Design Major - AutoCAD (Short-Term)Mechanical Engineering Technology - Machine Design (Short-Term)Mechanical Engineering Technology - Mechanical Power (Short-Term)Medical Assisting (Pre) (One-Year)Medical Billing Specialist (Short-Term)Medical Coding Certificate (Pre) (One-Year)Medical Laboratory Technology Pathway (Pre)Microsoft Applications Professional (Short-Term)Microsoft Networking (Short-Term)Music Production and EngineeringNursing Pathway (Pre-Concept Based)Occupational Therapy Assistant Pathway (Pre)Phlebotomy Technician (Pre) (Short-Term)Physical Therapist Assistant Pathway (Pre)PhysicsPipefitting and Welding Technology (Short-Term)Police SciencePolice Science (One-Year)Police Science (Short-Term)Practical Nursing Pathway (Pre) (One-Year)Pre-Engineering - Civil EngineeringPre-Engineering - Electrical EngineeringPre-Engineering - Mechanical EngineeringPre-Medical Professional Concentration (Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Veterinary)Professional Digital Reporter (Short-Term)Professional Writing (Short-Term)PsychologyQuickbooks/Payroll (Short-Term)Respiratory Care Pathway (Pre)RN Completion for LPN Pathway (Pre-Concept Based)RN Completion for Paramedics Pathway (Pre-Concept Based)Semiconductor Cleanroom (One-Year)Semiconductor Cleanroom (Short-Term)Sociology (Applied)Sports Massage Specialist (Short-Term)Surgical Technology Pathway (Pre)Tax Preparer (Short-Term)Teacher Assistant (Short-Term)Technical CommunicationsToyota T-Ten (Short-Term)Toyota T-Ten - Electrical, Breaks, Steering, and Suspension (Short-Term)Toyota T-Ten - Electrical, Manual Transmission, HVAC (Short-Term)Toyota T-Ten - Engine Repair, Engine Control, Automatic Transmission (Short-Term)Video Game Design (Short-Term)Web Design (One-Year)Web Design and DevelopmentWelding Technology (One-Year)Potential Area of InterestIf you are not 100% certain of the degree or certificate program you are interested in pursuing, does one of the career areas below interest you? If so, we can help guide you with some options.Career CommunitiesAdministrative Services & Legal Assisting Career CommunityAutomotive, Engineering & Industrial Technologies Career CommunityBusiness Career CommunityComputer Science, Information Technology, Security & Digital Media Career CommunityCulinary Career CommunityEducation Career CommunityHealth Career CommunityHuman Services, Social Services & Public Safety Career CommunityLiberal Arts & Transfer Career CommunityMathematics & Sciences Career CommunityAdditional InformationHow many guests will be attending with you?012345How did you learn about this event?AlumniBillboardCollege FairCommunity Organization/EventCurrent StudentEmailEmployerFacebookFamily MemberG*StarsGoogleGuidance CounselorInstagramLetter/PostcardLinkedInMahoning ValleyPandoraPinterestRadioSnapchatSpotifyStark State EmployeeStark State EventStark State WebsiteStreaming ServiceTeacherTelevisionText MessageVisit from SSC RepresentativeYouTubeSubmit